The "visitors wall" at the open studio at the refugee quarters in Boliden
Documentation from project (C-print, 2003)
Guldgatan 8
Project, open studio at the refugee quarters in Boliden (2003)
Created together with the people living in Boliden
It is 2003, in Boliden. I persuade the municipal housing company to lend me a house where I will run an open studio for a year. At the same time, the half deserted village is being populated by 400 asylum seekers.
I write, perhaps naively, a statement that I, by opening the studio, want to offer people a tool for them to make a mark in the world. ”The visitors’ initiatives, experiences and creativity are the motor in this project, driving it forward. Art offers an alternative language; a way to gather, gain insight and integrate.”
The year in Boliden results in a number of projects: workshops, film shoots, music recordings, drawing classes, storytelling evenings, photography courses, letter film projects and music videos.
Documentation from project (C-print 2003)
Above: Activity in the studio
Below: Documentation from music project
Below: MA exhibition at Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden